Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving

I didn't feel like posting a daily gratitude post on Facebook, so I thought I would just compile a list of 30 things here. My heart has been very full lately.

In no particular order, I am grateful...

1. That spiders don't fly.
2. For little bare bottoms attached to joyfully squealing toddlers.
3. That the doctor who thought 1-year old Caleb was so behind in his communication skills that he needed autism intervention was absolutely and comically wrong. Caleb is not even 2 and can speak in full sentences, can identify every single capital letter of the alphabet, has nearly perfect enunciation, and can finish phrases to almost every song I sing to him.
4. For helmets.
5. For clean running water that can be any temperature I want it to be
6. For a washer and dryer. Especially grateful that the dryer doesn't judge me for sometimes leaving loads of forgotten laundry within it for days at time.
7. That my child did not inherit my height.
8. For hilarious videos of cats that literally flip out at the sight of cucumbers.
9. That I am not a refugee.
10. For my marriage. I state the truth when I say that I married the very best man I know.
11. For a little boy that tells me almost daily, "I love you big!"
12. For understanding moms who don't judge my messy house.
13. For the gift of personal revelation.
14. That God knows me better than I know myself. Even more grateful that He is in charge and not me.
15. For Ghiradelli brownies.
16. That I have the best visiting teaching companion.
17. For my ward family who takes care of me, since I don't live near much of my own blood family.
18. For the temple, and that I live so close to one.
19. For my education. I may be a stay-at-home mom, but I apply my college education probably daily.
20. For nurses, doctors, firemen, policemen, soldiers, and every other career that has life-saving and protecting skills.
21. For nap time. And the fact that nap time even still exists in my house.
22. For llamas. Those things are so goofy looking.
23. For people who give me the benefit of the doubt.
24. That I was not a pioneer. Because I would have had to be left to the wolves. Most likely within city limits.
25. That I live when I do. Because CHILDBIRTH.
26. For modern medicine.
27. That I get to watch a child discover the world around him, sometimes in comical ways, sometimes distressing ways (DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!), and sometimes in reflective, thought-provoking ways.
28. For accidentally calling the wrong number and ending up with a new friend.
29. For every bathroom that has a flushing toilet, toilet paper, and soap. Do not take this for granted. I lived a year and half where that was not the norm. And you couldn't flush the TP but had to stick it in a grocery bag next to the toilet with everyone else's.

30. Most of all-- For the Savior, Who makes it possible for me to live with my family forever, allows me to change and become better, understands my weaknesses and sorrows, and makes it so I can return to live with my Heavenly Parents again.