Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Welcome to New Mexico!

So, I think I'll actually post a normal blog post, rather than anything art related, or embarrassing moment related today. I'm just so excited that I have to write this all down somewhere, and I guess that's what blogs are for anyway.

So, since my last post, life has been something else! Brent and I got married on a beautiful December day just over four months ago, moved into Wymount (BYU's on-campus married housing) and I got a great job as a long-term art sub for a teacher that was on maternity leave. It was the hardest job I ever had, but very rewarding. In April, Brent and I both graduated (WAHOO!) and then last week we packed up everything we could fit Ito our two cars, put the rest in storage (thanks Dad!) and drove to a town in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico, for Brent's summer internship. The town is called Los Alamos and we are in love. It is both very science and art friendly, so it appears that Brent and I were made to live here! The town is small-- population: about 18,000, and almost everyone works at the lab in town (which is the same lab that the government worked on the A-bomb way back when). I am also in love with my new apartment. Here are some of the reasons why our new apartment is awesome:

1. No cinder block walls!!!
2. The provided bed actually is the size of our bedding and isn't just a mattress and box on the floor!!
3. There is real carpet! That's soft!
4. The couches are actually comfortable enough to sit on--what a novel idea!
5. The bedroom is actually big enough to have more furniture than just the bed
6. The kitchen actually has room for a table
7. I can't hear my neighbors urinate!!!!!

Yeah, pretty much, we will NEVER live in Wymount again. Ever.

Yes our new digs has some flaws, but after living in Wymount, we feel like we are living in luxury. We also live within walking distance of almost everything-- the grocery store, the library, the science museum, a nice park, and the church. We feel very blessed.

One major downside, well upside actually, is that we have no Internet in our place. So I'm writing this from my phone. I'll take some pictures of our cute town and post them later.

Oh also, in case you missed the Facebook announcements, we are expecting!! Our little Reichlet is due November 29-- the day after Brent's birthday. We are super excited. :) And no, I'm not going to post on Facebook pictures of my bare, fat belly, pictures of ultrasounds that only we can decipher, talk about how dilated I am, gloat about our baby's umbilical cord, or post creepy pictures of illustrated fetuses saying how far along I am. Because let's be honest, none of that belongs on Facebook. Please keep that on your blogs, folks, because most of your 500 Facebook friends don't want to see it, unless they are close enough to you to read your blog. So keep it there. Okay, I'm done venting.

Anyway, hope y'all are doing well! As my brother on his mission always says, make it a great day!


  1. Amen to your venting. bravo, bravo!

    But otherwise, congratulations! To all the good news above. Hugs!

  2. Thank you, thank you for your commentary on maternity photography. I'm glad we agree. Please post pictures of apartment soon.
