Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our new (rental) house!

What a month it has been!

So, we had been sort of-ish toying with the idea of moving out of our basement apartment. Not really considering it, mostly just a "Wouldn't it be nice to not live like a gopher...." kind of thoughts. But, after the Alabama trip, our landlady informed us that she would be getting dogs for her teenage kids. The idea of listening to dogs barking every time someone came to their door made me cringe and prompted us to just "look and see." If we found something within our budget, great, if not, we would be fine. And to our delight, the PERFECT rental house popped up and we immediately called about it. We were not the first to call, and we wouldn't be the last (the landlord had over 60 people call about it.) We looked through and immediately fell in love. We put in our application, and even told them that we would be willing to sign for more than a year if that's what it would take. We just knew we wouldn't get it, but couldn't help but hope. Then the landlord called a few days later asking when we could sign!! We couldn't believe it. There have been several times where I have been so happy I thought I could cry.

It was such a busy month--we moved in our new place, and then two days later went to Lake Powell. So much packing! Our ward and friends were SO kind and helped us move out, and a ward member even lent his trailer to us. Oh, and to celebrate our new home, we got a sectional! We loved our battered love seat, but it would have looked rather small in our new living room. Our landlady happily took it, and we found the perfect sectional for our new living room.

Here's our house!!

A BATHTUB!!!!!! Our last place didn't have one. I can tell I will spending a LOT of time in here.

part of our backyard, including some flowers (and 6 ft tall weeds)

The other part of the backyard. Our own backyard!!! No more landlady's cat coming to snuggle and shed all over me!!

Master. There are 2 main bedrooms+a little windowless room that is Caleb's bedroom.

Living room. Infant not included.

Look at this huge kitchen!!! So much bigger than our one-bum kitchen. And don't you love that tile???

The front! Isn't it darling??? I'm so in love!!! We even have a GARAGE! (which will actually be made into a studio for me!!! Squeeeee!!!!!)

I'm so happy! We still can't believe we live here now. It is very weird to be living so far west in Provo after having lived so close to campus for so many years, but our neighborhood seems nice and our ward has seemed thrilled to have us (the ward choir was especially ecstatic). We will REALLY miss our last ward, but luckily they aren't too far away. :) We our so happy to not be sharing any walls, floors, or ceilings with any neighbors for the first time, to have a yard, a bathtub, a huge kitchen...the place is practically perfect. And guess what, we have a guest room, so COME ON OVER!!!!

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