Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#29: Uuuuh...need some help finding that bud?

This isn't embarrassing about me, but about someone else.

So, I was driving with a friend, and somehow we ended up talking about how we always see people picking their noses while in the car. For some reason, being surrounded by six windows in a confined space leads people to believe that they are invisible to the outside world. Hate to break it to you world, but if those windows ain't tinted, then your franatic dancing, talking to yourselves, or personal grooming habits is visible to everyone. Not that there's anything wrong with doing any of those things. Let's get real--who doesn't pick their nose? Those little boogers are downright obnoxious. However, like going to the bathroom or popping your zits, it's something that is best left out of the view of surrounding persons.

Not two minutes later, we stopped at a traffic light. We happened to look to our left, and the neighboring driver, a young-adult male, seemed like his nostril was completely devouring his index finger. He was seriously digging for something special, and had some unique facial expressions to go with it.

We could not stop laughing for the next five minutes. The timing had been perfect. You know what, though, I hope he found what he was looking for.

1 comment:

  1. That is the first thing my Dad does when he gets in the car. Before even turning the keys to start the car! Every time!
