Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On the home stretch...

We are about 3 weeks away from our due date. I am trying really hard to not be the typical anxious pregnant woman....but I'd be lying if I said we aren't super excited for our little boy to get here.

Here are the typical things I am told as a pregnant woman, along with my mental response:

"Enjoy it now! He's a lot easier to take care of in there!"
     If I wanted him to stay in there...I wouldn't have gotten pregnant....

"You are 8 months??? You are tiny!!!"
    I only look tiny. Because my two girls up top are so huge that it makes my stomach only appear small. I've already gained 30 pounds, JUST in my torso. 

"Get your sleep now!"
      Oh I am. Oh how I am.

"Remember to sleep when the baby sleeps!"
     That will definitely not be a problem! I hope....

"Bless your heart!"
    I have no idea how to respond to that, as usually I hear that phrase followed by as kind sounding 

"You're eating for two!"
    Trust me. A fetus doesn't need to eat this much. But thank you for the excuse, which I will happily use (as much as my squished up stomach will allow!)

I am feeling so very blessed right now. Winter didn't rob Autumn of it's beautiful appearance this year. Our ward is awesome. I'm in love with our apartment. I've been able to focus on my art a lot. And despite being more than 8 months pregnant, this is the best I have felt my whole pregnancy (shout out to my friends Zofran and Prevacid for making this possible!) I am definitely feeling very penguin-like with my increasing waddle though. Oh well, it comes with the territory. I was surprised to find that I avoided some common pregnancy symptoms during the last eight months--my feet only sort of swelled up once, and I never had any true cravings. Although slurpees and McFlurries sounded better than usual. But when don't those sound good? Mmmmm....

But I have had some MAJOR cramping. Like, knees-to-floor-pain kind of cramping. But the doc said that's just my body prepping. Let's just say I have learned that my pain tolerance is already not great. Gulp. But Doc also said that the ultrasound weight estimate could be here's to hoping that I don't birth a giant. Also, when the baby's hand or foot moves around, I am reminded of this scene from The Mummy:

Today I also felt my "nesting" instincts kick in for the first time, but not in the way I was expecting. I was looking at Pinterest and saw some pins about disaster prep. Suddenly, I HAD to put our 72-hour kits together. Not tomorrow. Not today. YESTERDAY. I went to the Creamery and bought a couple of their empty humungo ice cream buckets (only 50 cents each!), one to put our kit in, and another one just in case. Because what if we got snowed into our basement and the plumbing stopped working and we needed a makeshift toilet???? When hubby got home our bathroom looked like a war-zone. But folks, we are PREPARED. (Special thanks to people from my home stake who gave us emergency prep wedding gifts.)

Anyway, happy November! Don't let the early Christmas songs get you down!


  1. Can't wait to meet my little guy too! Wish I was hearing I was tiny, but instead I get raised eyebrows and "you look tired"... which I think translates to " oh my gosh how many babies are in there??"
