Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Four months

Four months old today!

Caleb, you bring us more happiness than we could ever imagine. We have learned that you do not like onions. Well, at least when Mommy eats them. You still have not mastered rolling from your back to your tummy but you are sooooo close, and rolling from tummy to back has become a piece of cake. You have also started to kick your left leg about 10 times more than your right, but Dr. Bloink (yes, that is really his name) essentially said it was fine as long as you are still moving both sides.

We go on lots of walks now. Once you can sit up without support you'll actually get a good view of all the neat things we pass. Like these horses.

You have developed a great laugh that includes lots of squeeling. We LOVE it! Here's a video so we can all remember it:

Yesterday when I did the laundry I had to put away some of your baby clothes that you have outgrown. I always get a funny feeling when that happens. We are always so excited to see you grow and hit different milestones, but putting those clothes away reminds us that you will never be that small again and never get those moments back. We are always moving forward, but that's a good thing, and we are just glad that we take too many pictures and videos.

You like to chew on anything that you can get into your mouth, especially your parents' fingers. Sleep is still somewhat elusive at night, especially when Daylight Savings hit. Seriously, whoever came up with that idea did NOT have young children at the time. 

Also, we think your natural faux hawk is amazing. 

We have so much fun. Maybe too much sometimes?

Because the ward choir was desperate for members to sing in Stake Conference, we have started going and bringing you along, and you are such a hit! Everyone loves you. Kay next door says that you bring peace to her, and that you will be a peacemaker when you get older. We don't doubt it!

You do get bored more easily now, and you love cuddling and being held. We are also spending lots more time outside, which you have gotten used to and seem to enjoy. You look more and more like your daddy every day, which is probably why you are so good lookin'! ;)

We love you little man!

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