Thursday, February 3, 2011

Still in Mission Mode sometimes....

This isn't an embarrassing moment, but just a normal post.

So, there are times when I realize the effect that being a missionary in Paraguay still takes its toll on me, despite having been home for a few months now.

For example:
-when I hear fireworks, I immediately associate them with the world cup, strikes, or political campaigns, and never the fourth of July
-when people follow too close behind me, I fear that they will rob me
-if I were to see a cow in the middle of the road, I would not think twice about it, but I freak out every time I see a deer
-if my food falls on the floor, I don't eat it because here it is socially unacceptable, not because I actually think it would be gross. Which means sometimes I eat it anyway, especially if no one is there watching


  1. :) 10 second rules apply as always, right?

  2. I still hold onto my bag as close to me as possible... EVERYWHERE I go.
