Thursday, January 20, 2011

#8 A good reason to not work when sick

This is a mission story. And dedicated to dear Hermana Welch.

So, sometime during my 5th or 6th transfer, I caught a really nasty cold. I was super congested and felt super crummy. But the idea of not working wasn't an option for me, because I could still function pretty well. However, the internal cork in my nose came loose and I was a constant running faucet. No amount of tissues were adequate and every visit for those couple of days consisted of me requesting toilet paper of the residents...which was already slightly embarrassing.
   Well, one night, when I was at the peak of my cold, we had agreed to help a less active member move. The move was just about a block away, but since I was sick, basically my job consisted of sitting on a chair and guarding the stuff while the family moved it.
   For a brief moment, my comp and the less active member, a 16-year old girl named Beatris, were just chilling outside chatting. My nose started to tickle and I felt a sneeze coming on. I had the pre-sneeze gasp-like inhale and then suddenly I felt something enormous and disgusting explode out of my face. About half a second passed before I realized what had happened and my companion burst into hysterical fits of laughter. Sitting on the sleeve of my right shoulder was the most massive glob of whitish-green goop I had ever beheld. And it had come from the inside of my head. I will spare you a more detailed description of what it looked like. Let's just stay with that it was huge, and it was disgusting. To make it worse, I was wearing black, which could not have been a more contrasting color to emphasize this horrific thing's presence. And I had no more tissues.
    As my companion was on the verge of having cardiac arrest from laughing so hard, Beatris saved me by getting me lots of TP and I promptly removed the giant amoeba-like blob that was oozing its way across my shoulder. For those of you who have seen the movie Better Off Dead, think of the scene where the mom has cooked some nameless green goop with raisins inside it and it crawls off of her son's plate. It was that disturbing. I think it took us about 10 whole minutes to recover--me from trying to have my cherry red face conform to a semi-normal hue, and my companion from her suffocating fits of (rather loud) laughter.
    We got a hold of ourselves and the moving process continued. Not long after, my comp and I found ourselves sitting on the curb next to the house that had been moved into. That's when I felt another sneeze coming on.
    Without much preparation, I aimed to the left and out flew at record speeds Snot Rocket #2, splattering my other shoulder. My internal systems probably just wanted to even things up. Fortunately for the last ounce of dignity I had, my comp was sitting on the other side of me, and could not see it. But when I remained in my frozen position of trying to block her from the atrocious view of my booger blob, she knew what was up.

     "Did you do it again???"


   Naturally, more hysteric laughing followed. Let me tell you, it took a lot of convincing and pleading to make her not tell any of the other missionaries. But the moment became forever famous in our 3-month companionship. Pretty much any letter I got from her included a "Hey, remember when you sneezed that  HUGE snot rocket at Beatris's house???
      *sigh.* How could I forget?

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, Angela your stories always brighten my day! You are a very talented writer! Keep up the stories.
