Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to my life....of clumsiness

  So, I am now in Provo, ready to start another semester at BYU. December was AWESOME, complete with family, a helicopter ride over the ocean, paintballing, and a few exceptional dates. But all good things must come to an end, so here I am in Provo. So, let me just tell about my frustrating day that ended on a good note...
   First, I woke up to find that the enormous red pimple that had appeared the say before was still rearing its ugly head near the perimeters of my mouth. Way to make a good first impression. I tried to cover it up with concealer, but making it the same color as my skin only made it look like I had a growth on my face. Lovely.
   On my way out the door I called my sister to ask where the 154th ward meets (she attended the same one and my roommates hadn't arrived yet). She commented on how wasn't I a little late but gave me the directions I needed. I looked at the clock on my phone and thought, "It's 8:45, I still have 15 minutes, I'll totally make it." As I walked through the Wilk though, I noticed that all of the meetings had already begun, which I thought was strange, as I'd never heard of a BYU ward starting before 9. By the time I'd passed the third one, I realized with horror: I forgot to change my phone from CA to Utah time. ACK! I made it to the room and heard the last few testimonies of testimony meeting. During the 'break' I asked a girl what ward it was to be sure, and she responded that it was the seventy-something or onehundredandseventy-something ward. I just remember that it had at least 2 digits....which would only happen in a place like Utah, and that the girl seemed very eager to not talk to me any more.
    So great, I was in the wrong ward and feeling very awkward. The ward must have moved during fall semester, but it couldn't be far. So I wandered back down the hallway and 2 of the wards had already gone to different rooms for Sunday School. The fourth one had a sign that said '195th ward', but as I walked by I thought I saw someone I knew! I backtracked and sure enough, Daniel Honey from my singles ward in Camarillo was there! Well,  if I was going to spend church in the wrong ward, I could at least do it with someone I knew and who's company I enjoyed. I walked in and he seemed pleasantly surprised to see me. Unfortunately, he wasn't staying because he was meeting up with his brother and then flying back home. As soon as Sunday School started, he left, and I was left alone in a different ward that was not the one I belonged to, where more people didn't seem too keen on talking to me once they found out I didn't even belong there. Fortunately the teacher was mildly interesting, but I had a hard time focusing because I was too busy feeling like an idiot and bemoaning the fact that I felt like I was already failing on my quest to make friends or become marriage-quality.
   After S.S. I was so frustrated that I didn't even go to a Relief Society where I felt I would be surrounded by more girls that wouldn't want to acknowledge me, so I found a couch, which was about as comfortable as a rock and just read my scriptures. I didn't go home because I still needed to take the Sacrament, and planned on sneaking in a 1:00 ward and then high-tailing it out of there. When noon rolled around another young woman came into the lounge and as we made eye contact we realized we knew each other. It was Sarah Rowley from my freshman ward. She had already graduated but was teaching nearby so she was still in BYU housing. After catching up she welcomed me to her ward, an invitation I gratefully took. While she worked on her S.S. lesson I read....some more... and among the people walking by saw a poor young man who had big purple birthmarks on his face. I suddenly didn't feel so bad about having a measly pimple. Then it was almost 1 (finally) and went with Sara to her ward where people were actually really nice, except for one decent looking guy who seemed to want to get to know me but gave up hope upon learning I was not a member of his ward. And the testimonies were even really enjoyable. I didn't stay for the rest of the meetings of the ward...I had had my fill of church, but at least I got to end with someone I knew. Next week should be better. I'm off to a great start, haha. Such is my life. Every day an adventure.


  1. Yay for your blog!!!! Sorry you had such a crappy day. I think that was God telling you to not go to church :) Haha! Just kidding. Miss you! Can't wait to spend time with you!!!

  2. hahaha for real right???? I can't wait to see you too!!
