Tuesday, June 24, 2014

7 months and pictures from our photoshoot!

Caleb! Closer to one than birth now. You are getting so big! At least, that's what everyone says--I forget how big you've gotten until I see pictures of your newborn self or see newborns now. You have developed so much! Pureed fruit is a favorite now, but putting vegetables in your mouth is medieval torture, or so it seems.

You are so super strong! You sit up great, do pull-ups on your bouncer (probably better at pull-ups than your mom!), and you roll around like crazy. You have all the skills for crawling--you just haven't figured out that you want to crawl yet. Once you do though, you'll be keeping mama a whole lot busier!

You love going outside, and have since you were born. If it's a hard day, going outside seems to be the cure. When we go outside I give you a tour of the yard... "Here is the apple tree, see all those apples?" Usually you try to eat the leaves, but your cruel mom always stops you. Thankfully you don't get mad when I do.

You love playing peek-a-boo with your daddy, which just melts my heart. You have become so interactive! When in the right mood you are very ticklish and in my opinion, you have THE cutest giggle on the face of the planet. You also still love sitting at the keyboard on a parent's lap to bang on the piano. We have discovered that our keyboard can do a lot of things we didn't know about because of this haha.

Our bedtime routine has become a favorite part of my day. Dinner of solids and a bottle, bath time (which you still love, and has become much easier now that you can sit up), a story, lights out, some songs (usually Primary songs, You are My Sunshine, Baby Mine, and Hush Little Baby), then a kiss and into the crib. You sleep from about 8:15 at night to sometime between 7 and 8 in the morning. HALLELUJAH. You are not a great napper, but you're not that cranky so we don't worry too much about it--we just make sure that you do get your naps, even if they are short.

You are also the world's loudest belching and tooting baby. But really. When I was getting set apart for my calling on Sunday, you belched so loudly and grossly that I almost lost it. The Bishop probably thought I was crying because I was shaking so much!

You are at such a fun age--so interactive, sitting up, able to hold your own bottle, but not mobile yet! Haha. But we really do look forward to each milestone...even the ones that will keep your parents busier!

We had a super fun photo shoot last week, and this time you didn't pee on the sheets, so thank you.
The Three Bares

Rubber duckies are just bath time pacifiers, right?

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