Monday, June 23, 2014

Social Media Decisions

So, I recently made a decision to remove Facebook and Pinterest from my phone. And seriously, my levels of happiness have increased. But now I think I've decided to make some more social media rules. Like you, I get the occasional friend request from someone I only sort of know. Sometimes I feel guilty because I wonder if they remember me better than I remember them so I add them. But why?? Also, I get lots of requests from latinos, who have a whole different Facebook culture in which they love adding people that they don't know but would like to. But in a cyber world where I feel like I don't have as much privacy as I wish I did, I've decided to make some decisions, or rules.

Facebook "friends" to delete:

1. If I wouldn't say hi to you when passing you in a hall
2. You post things constantly that make me mad. Call me intolerant, but if I wouldn't be your friend in real life, then why in the world would I be your friend online?
3. You seem dishonest. Oh but what about giving people second chances? Sorry, but I don't want to trust you with the part of my life I put online, because I don't know what you'll do with that information. Maybe I'm paranoid, but whatever.
4. If I realize I am not interested in constantly keeping up with your life. I will leave that to High School and mission reunions.
5. You will not desist in inviting me to play games, and especially so if that is our only interaction online.

Should I add anything else?

I would like my Facebook life to be limited to people I actually sort of like. I actually do like most people, but sometimes things people do online make me really not like them as much. I also don't know whose news feeds I show up on, and as nice as it is to have my status and pictures "liked" by lots of people, I don't need or want it showing up for EVERYONE I know to see my life. If you are reading my blog, you are obviously not a person I would de-friend on Facebook, because we are probably actually friends in real life.

Sorry if that sounded rant-y. Time to purge my Facebook.

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