Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The latest happenings in the Reich-family, including a failed camping attempt, Cascade Springs, and a Confession

My baby turns 7 months old tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. I absolutely love being a mom. It can have its moments, for sure, but like my mom says, "You're trading pennies for dollars," and I have found that to be absolutely true. We feel so lucky that we got this sweet little spirit for our first. The rest of our children will probably seem really challenging haha.

So, our life hasn't exactly been exciting these last several weeks, but we did do a couple of fun things. Like attempting to camp in the backyard. We tried to make s'mores indoors, which proved to be a messy yet delicious experience. We had hot dogs for dinner, naturally, and then watched a movie, Bedazzled, in our tent. Unfortunately, we did not have sleeping bags or pads, and despite our best efforts, we were cold and uncomfortable, and Caleb was not happy about the different sleeping arrangements. At about three in the morning we were like, "Forget this" and went inside where we joyfully snuggled into our deliciously warm bed. I would like to give Mattress Firm a special shout out for selling us the world's most comfortable bed.

Brent says that he never knows what to do in pictures, so he just holds things,


We also made a trip to Cascade Springs, which to me is one the prettiest places in this part of Utah. If you live in Utah and have never been, GO. The drive is long, but beautiful. Drive past Sundance, pay at the tollbooth, then drive another half hour following the signs. Don't forget to look for deer! We went to Cascade springs right when we had started dating. We actually knew already that we were going to get married, but didn't post any of the pictures then because they sort of looked like engagement pictures haha. But now I will shamelessly post a few pictures from this year's trip. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a great picture of the cool little snake I found. 

How can you not love that face? 

This spring just comes right out of the mountain--no direct waterfalls make it!

A rare photo of me that I like enough to post

My darling boys

Pictures really don't do this justice. Seriously, go to this place.

A couple weeks ago I substituted for a private art class for one of my friends who I roomed with when I did my study abroad in Italy. Only one student showed up, and she came twenty minutes late (which was making me really worried!) but it was still so much fun. I have been trying to work up the courage to start my own private classes once or twice a week. We are blessed with enough space in our apartment to have a studio for me, and I've cleared it out so I can add some more easels for students.

Last Sunday our ward did a "Neighborhood Gallery Stroll" at which artistic people in the ward set out their artsy things in their yard (or let people wander through their house) and everyone else walked by and admired your pieces and said the nicest things. I included an etch-a-sketch piece with along with my paintings, along with a teeny etch-a-sketch for kids to play with, which was a big hit. This event also made me want to start classes, as a couple of parents expressed interest on behalf of their children. I just need to make the jump! Encouraging words will be very welcome...

Other summer doings: we go on lots of walks, have spent some time swimming with friends, and today we made it to Seven Peaks, which, astonishingly, I had never been to in all of my years of living here. I can't speak for Caleb, but Brent and I had a blast. Although I did find that going on the scary steep slides make me feel super old, and weren't worth the super wedgies and enemas. (But thanks for cleaning out my intestines anyway.) Caleb's crab hat that we found at Kohl's was a big hit. As for Caleb, he wasn't complaining, but he definitely wasn't smiling in the water, which was just a little too cold for him to enjoy. We are really determined to have our children enjoy the water though, so we are working with him lots in this area. :)

Is this not the most adorable thing you have ever seen? Let the "Crabby Caleb" jokes begin.

Now it's time for a confession. I am getting really ansty from living in Provo for so long. I have spent about 8 years in Provo now (also spent 6 years in Salt Lake), and mentally, I am so done. I love the people here. I love my ward. I love my friends that are here. I love that I have been around so much family. But I hate the "bubble." I hate the winter, which I have come to dread every year (yes, I know, that most states have lots of snow in the winter). I hate the drivers. I hate being surrounded by college students who think they know everything but know nothing, especially now that I am in the next stage of my life. I am tired of Provo hipsters. And I am just ready for something new. Thank heavens we spent last summer in New Mexico, because that was really wonderful, and helped recharge my batteries. But we have FOUR more years left. I know I will miss it when we do leave. But four years sounds so very long right now. And my closest friends are moving away, which makes me so very sad...and ever so slightly envious. So I am begging you, if you have any suggestions of fun things to do in Utah that are baby-friendly, please comment for my sanity. Especially you Utah residents who really know this place. This is my SOS call.

Hope you are all having lovely summers wherever you are! 

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